I am not ready to leave paradise as yet. I am going to miss almost everything about this place.
Probably, the only thing I won't miss are the mosquitoes and the big lizards that crawl in front of me in the jungle and make me jump.
The islands are completely carpeted by emerald green jungle apart from 10 to 20 meter wide strips by some of the beaches where development has taken place. There are three colours here, green, shades of blue, from aquamarine for the sea, to intense blue for the sky, and white for the sand.
I have had such a great time here, that even going to Australia is looking a lot less appealing.
I'm actually surprised how much I have enjoyed diving this time, and how much I have improved, so much so that I'm considering taking the next course up, dive master.
This would give me the chance to work in a dive center, but takes 6 to 8 weeks to do, and it is not cheap.
Ok, they may not be sharks, but the little clown fish are very territorial...
Also once you finish you start a the very bottom, well just above the trainees. For, although you pay for the couurse, at the same time you are working in the dive centre where you train.
Maybe it would be good for me to work a few months as the minion, to eat a bit of humble pie.
So, yes, I am thinking that maybe after I cross over to Central America I may stay in one place instead of travelling around much and just dive and work. Once I am a DM I can then just move to another part.
It may just all be me day dreaming again, another change of plan...I've changed them so many times already. Nonetheless, some of the unplanned parts of the trip have been the best, for example the Himalayas.
Anyway, I've got a bit of time to decide, and need to do proper research about the weather, cost, etc....
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